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Let's Clean Up Saskatoon

My Vision for Saskatoon:

​"A safe and affordable city where families can grow and businesses can thrive, knowing that they can rely on their responsible city council to look after all the essentials."

Fiscal responsibility, affordability, and value for money

Spend the taxpayers’ money as if spending my own. Making wise decisions when it comes to spending. Spending on things that create value for the residents of Saskatoon. Reducing wasteful spending allows us to review the current property tax regime. Furthermore, we need to end the garbage tax and ensure that the government stops all backdoor tax grabs. Affordable taxes and utility rates will help make life more affordable.

Reduce bureaucracy at city hall

We need to review the bureaucracy at city hall and ensure that money is devoted to providing better services, and not to consultants and bureaucrats who believe that they can spend taxpayers' money better than taxpayers themselves.

Stop wasteful spending, Stop the arena

No more lavish spending on things we can’t afford, especially when the essentials are being neglected and the city is already hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. We can't afford this downtown arena. People are cutting back on essentials to pay their high property taxes, they can't afford this billion dollar project and they certainly can't afford to buy tickets to any of the events at the arena they payed for. The priority is balancing the budget and fixing the essential services.

Stop the neglect and prioritize everyday services


Efficient essential services are the foundation of good governance. Nothing is too small and the details matter. If you can’t trust the city to fix the pothole on your street or pick up your garbage on time, how can you trust it when it comes to big decisions? A focus on everyday and timely service is important to you and your daily life.

Restore law and order

Simply plunging money into a broken system cannot fix the problems. Part of the problem is the criminal justice system and the criminal code set-up by the federal and provincial governments. However, law enforcement in the city falls under the city's jurisdiction. Our plan: - Clean up our streets and make them safe again. No one should be scared to walk down any street in Saskatoon. - Zero tolerance for crimes. - Target drug trafficking and organized crimes. - Increasing police presence in the time and areas with higher crime rates.

Growth must be pay-as-you-go

The best thing a city can do for growth is offer a safe, affordable, and stable foundation that attracts families and businesses. In order to do this, we need to ensure that daily services are at a satisfactory level before anything else. All cities need growth but the growth must be pay-as-you-go, affordable, and sustainable. It’s easy to come up with new projects but the question is: "where does the money come from"? Achieving affordable and sustainable growth requires sound financial management and negotiation with our provincial and federal counterparts to ensure they take up the responsibility to fund our infrastructures.

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